Episode 156 The life draining power of habits

This week I’m exploring the topic of habits and how even well-intentioned habits can be the hidden cause of boredom in our lives. Just as organisations apply kaizen techniques to enhance productivity, we can personalise that drive for continuous impr…

Episode 155 When life gives you lemons!

We all know the adage – when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. That’s the theory, but in reality, sometimes life just punches you in the guts. I’m currently experiencing just such a time. In fact, over the last few years it seems that I’ve ha…

Episode 154 In conversation with Jack Kavanagh

I’m starting this new series of episodes with an inspirational guest, Jack Kavanagh. In 2012, Jack suffered a life changing spinal cord injury leaving him with 15% muscle function. In the years since, Jack has challenged the perceived limitations of …

Episode 153 Overcoming Overthinking

In the final episode of this series, I’m exploring a topic that I’ve been working on personally and that’s overthinking. In particular, I share 8 strategies we can use to stop us falling into the bottomless pit of worrying excessively about the futur…

Episode 152 Reflections on 20 years in business

This week I’m marking a milestone. Twenty years ago this month, I jumped from the corporate career ladder and set up my own coaching and training business. I’ve been looking back and reflecting on what I wish I’d known back then. This week, I’m shari…

Episode 151 Intention, Attention, No Tension

I’m kicking off the New Year with a special episode titled ‘Intention, Attention, No Tension.’ If you’re like me and don’t buy into all the ‘New Year, New You’ hype, or the old ‘strive until you arrive’ approach to goal-setting and resolutions, then …