I find it hard to believe that the first edition of my monthly community ezine ‘Next Steps’ was published back in January 2005. Some early hardcopy editions (which can be seen in the above photo) go back to May 2004. Two hundred months later it’s still going strong. I know so many of you reading this, click it open when it hits your inbox the first week of the month, and for that, I’m truly grateful.
Like so many people, I tend to focus on what’s next and rarely look over my shoulder to acknowledge the journey and progress made. I recognise that it is no small achievement to write and distribute over 600 articles and 200 book reviews over the last 17 years.
With this milestone approaching, I reached out to some long-time subscribers to Next Steps to share their thoughts on what my monthly community newsletter means to them. I was blown away by their kind words.
Marian writes –
I’ve been lucky enough to receive Next Steps since it started in 2005. It’s been a constant flow of inspiration, practical tips and resources over the years. I often dip in to the archive and refer others to articles and resources which are invaluable.
James might use a term I may not have heard before only to realise it’s an emerging trend or area of focus, so the ezine keeps me current and relevant in relation to the work I do.
I love the monthly ‘What James is reading” which has become a fast track to great books.
Coming in on email rather than a social media post means I take time to enjoy it with a cup of coffee to hand. It’s both a timeout and a way to stay connected to the world of personal and professional development.
Fiona writes –
When my inbox flags James’s monthly newsletter, it always gets ‘the click’. Over the years, I’ve come to appreciate the succinct yet substantial, and oftentimes, timely read landing just when I need it. It’s the selective mix of insight and practical-straight-talking that for me makes for a great read. I’ll click on the link to the always-enjoyable podcast interviews, offering me a fresh perspective on whatever the monthly theme may be. As I say to the people I share it with, take five and you’ll find you get more than simply the time it takes to read it.
Anne writes –
James’s ezines are always a welcome ping into my inbox. They cover a good variety of relevant topics with depth, interest, and integrity. I love the way James drills down into words and sayings to reveal meaning that may not be immediately obvious.
Olwen writes –
“With so much noise in people’s inbox, James’s email is like calm in the storm. I’m always glad to receive it. The articles are always interesting and it acts as a gentle reminder from James to look after yourself.
Next steps compliments James’s coaching so well. When I read it, I can hear James talking to me. I have forwarded on the link to sign up to it to so many people over the years who have found huge value in the content. I must say, I do love actually hearing James’s voice on the podcast now too, but the written word will always have huge value for me.”
Michelle writes –
I love reading and absorbing new information so I look forward to receiving James’s monthly ezine. Recent articles on preparing for online interviews and why ‘self-care is not just pampering’ are particular favourites. The tips James shares are always informative, clear, and easy to put into practice.
My sincere thanks to everyone who has supported my monthly ezine. The people I’ve interviewed, those who wrote guest articles, and most importantly you, the reader. I would love to hear your comments on Next Steps, the articles you enjoy, and of course if there are themes or topics you would like me to explore in future editions.
You can access the archive of recent articles published in Next Steps via my blog
To join my community and subscribe to Next Steps simply enter your email below.
Best wishes
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