
Redefining Work Life Balance

Redefining Work Life Balance

Over the last 15 months, we’ve experienced a revolution when it comes to work life balance. No longer do we have the physical environment as a distinguishing factor to help us separate our lives into different modes. Technology had blurred the traditional work and...

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Why I’m Pressing Pause

Why I’m Pressing Pause

After several weeks of contemplation, I’ve made the decision to press pause in a number of areas in my life including my business. I’ve had to put my hand up and admit I need a rest. So I’m embarking on what I’m calling a practical sabbatical. Truth be told I’m simply...

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Managing Stress

Managing Stress

A version of this article on managing stress appeared in the very first edition of my ezine. To mark the 200th edition of Next Steps, I’m sharing it again. It’s as relevant now as it was back in January 2005.   Life and work are more stressful today than ever....

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Email Marketing – lessons learned

Email Marketing – lessons learned

Having published an online newsletter every month for 17 years, I’ve learned a thing or two about email marketing. If you are pondering using an ezine or blog to connect with your database, let me share some lessons I’ve learned from publishing 200 editions of my...

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Next Steps 200th Edition

Next Steps 200th Edition

  I find it hard to believe that the first edition of my monthly community ezine ‘Next Steps’ was published back in January 2005. Some early hardcopy editions (which can be seen in the above photo) go back to May 2004. Two hundred months later it’s still going...

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Self-care is not just pampering

Self-care is not just pampering

  We might think that self-care is bubble baths, scented candles, spa days, and skincare, but self-care is not just pampering, or an excuse to shop. Self-love is accepting yourself for all that you are, and self-care is finding a way to be gentle with your...

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