Your Time With James Sweetman

When I listen to podcasts I love to get tips and insights that I can apply in my own life and work and hopefully be entertained too.

This is my intention with my podcast where each week I share ideas, insights and practical tools to assist and maybe even inspire you to live the fullest, truest expression of yourself.

I’m also joined by guests, thought-leaders, entrepreneurs, experts, people who have turned their passion into their profession, overcome challenges or simply discovered ways to live more authentically.

Personally, I love these episodes because I get to learn as well, and I like nothing better than an uplifting chat with a friend, with a cup of tea to hand.

Producing the weekly episodes is a real labour of love for me. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode. ‘Your Time with James Sweetman’ is available on all main platforms (live on iTunes for Apple users and Podbean, Spotify and Stitcher for Android users).


Your Time With James Sweetman

When I listen to podcasts I love to get tips and insights that I can apply in my own life and work and hopefully be entertained too.

This is my intention with my podcast where every Wednesday I share ideas, insights and practical tools to assist and maybe even inspire you to live the fullest, truest expression of yourself.

I’m also joined by guests, thought-leaders, entrepreneurs, experts, people who have turned their passion into their profession, overcome challenges or simply discovered ways to live more authentically.

Personally, I love these episodes because I get to learn as well, and I like nothing better than an uplifting chat with a friend, with a cup of tea to hand.

Producing the weekly episodes is a real labour of love for me. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode. ‘Your Time with James Sweetman’ is available on all main platforms (live on iTunes for Apple users and Podbean, Spotify and Stitcher for Android users).


Episode 130 – ’Dare to be a Revolutionary Leader’ with Charley Swords

This week I’m joined by Charley Swords, leadership consultant, trainer and mentor to discuss her book ‘Dare to be a Revolutionary Leader.’ Charley’s book is the most comprehensive guide to modern leadership I’ve read in ages and I was delighted to delve into many of the themes she expounds, from starting with self-leadership to emphasising why ‘people are the solution.’ I also ask Charley for her views on leadership capability and the essential skills leaders require today, whether we are a constituency of one, or managing a large organisation. I loved our conversation, learned loads and I think you will too. For more on Charley visit www.charleyswords.com 

Episode 129 The Big Why

This week I’m asking some ‘Big Why’ questions. So often we are focused on what we do and how we do it and the ‘why’ is easily forgotten. In this episode, I’m turning the dial from productivity to purpose. If you’ve every contemplated the ‘big why’ questions, such as ‘why do I do what I do?’, or ‘why am I here?’, then this is an episode for you. I also speak about why the adage of following your bliss is not always helpful especially when the idea of bliss is a foreign concept.

Episode 128 What I learned from taking a sabbatical

I’m kicking off this new series with my reflections on having taken a ‘practical sabbatical’ over the last few months. I speak about how imposter syndrome and other limiting assumptions surfaced when I was not distracted by the busyness of work. How I went back to basics, delved into my motivations and even sought ways to fall in love with my business again. As well as a time of renewal, it was also a reunion, a time to reconnect with parts of myself that I’d discarded or forgotten. I also share some exciting news, something I couldn’t have predicted when taking a ‘timeout.’

Episode 127 Why I’m pressing pause

This week I’m sharing how after a few weeks of contemplation, I’m pressing pause on several aspects of my business including my weekly podcast. I’ve had to put my hand up and concede that I need a rest.

In this very personal episode, my final one before I take what I’m calling a practical sabbatical, I share the question that prompted this reassessment. We’ve all been through so much and sometimes a pause is needed, not just to reassess direction, but to take a breath to rebalance and resource ourselves.

If you’re feeling lost, stuck, or know some change is trying to take place in your life or work, know you are not alone. I’m walking the path too.

Episode 126 What are you investing in?

What are you investing in? We don’t just invest money, we invest our time and energy too. This week I look at 6 different aspects of life including physical and mental health, relationships, career, and future security, and ask how am I investing my time, energy, and resources.

I focus on the idea of investing in our dreams and look at the challenges we have to navigate, especially the voice of the inner saboteur. I also recount a story about how I invested in my dream of running my own business and the unexpected dividends I reaped when I committed to taking action.

Episode 125 Celebrating the 200th edition of my community ezine Next Steps

This week on my podcast I’m taking a moment to acknowledge and celebrate the 200th edition of my monthly community ezine Next Steps. Over the last 17 years, I’ve written and distributed my newsletter to my clients and contacts every month for 200 consecutive months. That’s over 600 articles and book reviews. It’s said consistency is key with any marketing initiative, so I certainly adhered to that!

Expanding on the theme of recognising achievements, this week I delve into why it is important to celebrate successes and why we can be reluctant to do so. Also having taken time out to review old editions of my ezine I’ve noticed common themes have emerged. I’ll be sharing these too.


Episode 124 Listening

For those of us blessed with good hearing listening is a primary sense, it’s how we interpret the audible environment. There are times when we can be very bad listeners. Poor listening skills are the number one marker of poor leadership and poor communication skills.

All conflict and complaints arise because someone doesn’t feel listened to or understood. Attentive listening shows that we care, it’s the simplest way to recognise and appreciate others. It’s what makes a good friend.

This week, in addition to some practical listening tips, I explain why listening is not a passive exercise. I also take you through the 12 barriers to listening as well as recounting a workshop I attended a few years ago that transformed my listening skills.

Episode 123 Self-care is not just pampering

Self-care is more than pampering or shopping, everything that is marketed under the banner of ‘I deserve it.’ In this week’s episode, I’ll be looking at the tough love side of self-love and how self-care is finding a way to be gentle with our precious heart in the midst of life’s challenges and messiness.

It’s an area many of us can struggle with, myself included. Whilst cosseting and pampering is balm for the mind, body, and soul, it’s a small part of self-care and sometimes can distract from the real work of caring for the self.


Join The Community

Become part of a like-minded community and stay up to date with all my articles, podcasts and events. You will receive my popular monthly ezine Next Steps, first published in May 2004. I value your privacy and of course you can unsubscribe at any time.

By joining the community my gift to you is a free eBook “Upgrading your Life – The 5 fundamental concepts to master”.