We hear plenty about resolutions at this time of year. They are often extreme declarations that are usually not sustainable and therefore peter out by the middle of January. I prefer to view resolutions as re-solutions, a way to go into the New Year with a fresh approach to old challenges.
Ease over effort
Sometimes resolutions are what society or others expect from us, they are not personally meaningful or compelling. As I’ve come to learn and I’m sure you’ve realised too, traditional resolutions depend on discipline and iron-clad motivation. That can be a lot of striving until you arrive. I prefer manifestation, inspiration and co-creation.
Focusing on re-solutions in 2025
Here are 10 powerful and slightly unusual questions that will help you refocus on what’s important going into 2025. Grab a pen and notebook and gift yourself some reflection time to set some meaningful intentions and goals for the New Year. Using a sailing analogy, these questions help to part the clouds of busyness and overwhelm and provide a North Star, something to navigate by in the months ahead. Personally, they’ve also helped me to identify ‘re-solutions’ to old challenges.
- How can I be more loyal to me in 2025?
- What do I want to put down, or leave behind me?
- Where would I love to say yes?
- Where would I love to say no?
- What do I want to create in the weeks and months ahead?
- What would I like to learn more about in 2025?
- What setback or rejection could I now view as a course correction, or even protection?
- Who could I ask for help?
- What would make me most proud of me in the year ahead?
- What would just be fun?
I’m a firm believer in the Rumi quote that says “the Universe is tilted in your favour.” What if your dreams, goals and ambitions are waiting for you and you just have to show up and commit. And let’s remember that famous Paulo Coelho quote from The Alchemist “at the moment of commitment the Universe conspires to assist you.” I see evidence of this in my life and in the work I do with personal coaching clients all the time, but we are the ones who have to make the first move. When we take action, Life then grows the seeds we plant.
If you enjoyed this article, you might like to listen to the special New Year episode of my podcast where I explore this topic in more detail and I also share how I’ve answer these 10 questions.
If you are seeking to instigate some changes in your life or career in 2025, check out my personal coaching service because sometimes we need someone to believe in us, before we believe in ourselves.