Episode 170 The midlife chrysalis

The word most associated with midlife is crisis, but this week I suggest a new word – chrysalis. I delve into the challenges and opportunities of midlife and how we can see our middle years as something more than a crisis to navigate. I speak about the ‘U-Curve of...

Episode 169 Burnout or bored-out?

We’ve all heard about burnout, but what about bored-out? Bored-out gets far less attention than it’s workaholic cousin and because some of the symptoms are the same, it can be misdiagnosed. I explore the difference between your core work and phantom work, the...

Episode 168 Am I successful yet?

Many people struggle to enjoy their accomplishments or to find lasting satisfaction in their successes. If you’re dragging yourself along, with so-called success always seeming to be just out of reach, then this episode is for you. Success in one area of life, does...

Episode 167 Curing the disease to please

Are you a people pleaser? It’s nice to be nice and we will do kind and thoughtful things for many reasons, but that’s not the same as people pleasing which is defined as ‘striving to please others in order to gain their approval, or to avoid criticism or conflict,...